Monday, 4 January 2016

Social Media.

Social media is something that is extremely popular to the younger generation and slightly frown upon by the older generation. Since starting Fashion Communication and Promotion at university I have taken a love to social media in a different way than before. 
My favourite social site/app is Instagram as I am very passionate about Photography and I took it as an A-level so therefore, I love to scroll down Instagram and see pictures of new locations, the latest fashion and different and interesting photo shoots. I also love using this app to catch up with the celebrity lifestyle as they frequently post photos and videos of what they are up to and what they are wearing which I like to know about just to keep up with the latest trends. 
Another social app I use is Pinterest. I have previously written a blog about Pinterest so if you haven’t heard of it or would like to know more about it please read my previous blog. This app really helps me with my uni work, to put all of my ideas into one pinboard and easily view it later on in the week. I don’t only use it for uni though, I love to look at the amazing ideas that people have and how creative they get on their pinboards which inspires me to create my own. I love to search for images that would make up my perfect house or my perfect wardrobe. I really recommend this app/website for anyone that loves planning is creative and loves photography.
I find that Facebook is extremely helpful with keeping up with the latest fashion articles. By following fashion groups and pages on Facebook, different news stories come up on my news feed every day which I find are an interesting read. My uni course has its own group on Facebook for which all of the students can post fashion articles they have found or anything interesting that could relate to the course which I find brilliant as we can all share our ideas with each other easily using a social media which everyone has. 
I really recommend using social media for research and creativity as well as contacting friends and family as it is brilliant for finding out information and keeping up to date with what’s happening in the world whatever the subject.
Shelby xxx

Saturday, 2 January 2016

New Years Resolutions.

So this year I have made many resolutions to improve myself and my work so I thought I would share some of them with you. To me, making resolutions is very important as it helps me make my year better and more meaningful than the last one.
My resolutions and the reasons why:
- Work harder university. This is my first resolution as I really want to get the best grade I possibly can at the end of the year. Before Christmas I felt as though I was slightly slacking with my work however, the reason for this was because I didn’t understand some of the work set. So this year instead of hiding from it I am going to work harder to understand what I have to do so that my work is the best it can be. I am good with turning up to my lectures (even after a late night out) and I always make sure that I am writing notes throughout the lecture to re-read them later on in the day. I have only missed one of two lectures for good reason such as a doctors appointment or a family commitment back home so I am pleased with that and I definitely want to carry on being committed.
- Look for more inspiration.  I feel as though now living in Nottingham I take advantage of the beautiful buildings, restaurants and shops so this year I want to really appreciate the beauty around me by taking more pictures, looking for more inspiration my projects and blog and visit more places as who knows, I might learn a thing or two.
- Read more. Although I have been doing my reading for uni, this year I want to look more into it by writing notes as I read and read outside the reading list by purchasing other fashion books and magazines that I know will be full of fun facts and will help me in my future work.
Resolutions that don’t relate to my uni work:
- Spend more time with my family. Coming home for Christmas I had so many plans with my friends I hardly saw my family and now I have come to regret that. My auntie lives in Paris and only comes home about three times a year for a week or two, and this Christmas I hardly saw her which I will never do again as she has now gone back home and I really miss her. Next time she comes to England I am definitely going to make my plans with my friends before and after she is back so that I can treasure the time that she is home with me.
- To save my money. This resolution needs to happen as right now I find myself spending money on pointless things and then when it comes to needing something important like food, I have no money left. To be honest, I have been a lot better in 2015 than I was in 2014 as before I seemed to never have any money. Having a job really helps with my money problems and it also keeps me busy and keeps me away from spending anymore money. 
I hope that sharing these resolutions with you will help you have a better 2016!
Shelby xxx

Friday, 1 January 2016

Happy New Year.

Happy new year everyone! 

In the past year I have made a lot of changes to my life and I have finally become someone that I am proud of and happy with. 
The best think I did last year was go to university. University has honestly changed my life and changed me as a person in a positive way. I have made new friends that already mean the world to me and I have begun my education on a subject which I will hopefully be doing for the rest of my life. That subject is fashion. 

Fashion throughout 2015 I think has been very interesting especially during the winter period. I feel as though people have been able to be more confident with the way they dress which makes the streets more fascinating. 
My favourite item of clothing that has been worn in 2015 has to be the fur coats, and I know they may seem not that interesting however, the way they are worn, the colours and the patterns of the costs is the reason why I love them. Personally I think a fur coat can tie together a whole outfit and it gives you the perfect warmth and comfort for your winter walks. 
Versace released a fur coat advert which promoted a bright green fur coat. I thought this coat was wonderful as it was a colour that is not usually seen during the winter period as it is the colour of fresh grass in the summer so I loved the way they brought a summer colour into a winter item of clothing to make it so different from everything else. 
This year I am definitely looking forward to looking in detail at the fashion that is promoted and worn and how much it has changed from 2015. 
Shelby xxx
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